Its the little things in Isabelle's life (to other people) that seem to be massive milestones to me...and I chuckle when new mums get excited when their babies first smile or say 'da' even though it is the proudest and most wonderful moment EVER. I remember when Issy first rolled over at 3 and a half months and then after a week of rolling over on my command, decided she hated it and still rarely does it (she obviously did not like being treated like a pet for amusement)...or the first time she slept through 6 hours straight, but I didn't because I was so excited, and the four hours that I did get felt like heaven...or when she decided she didn't like to be swaddled anymore and that night she slept better than she ever had...or like today when I deliberately put her in her cot to sleep without her grow bag as it is getting hotter (and it gets very hot in our house over summer) and it is probably about time that she sleeps without one. But all these little things are a reminder to me that time goes so quickly...and one day I will remember these small insignificant moments fondly and ask where all the time has flown, just like my mum does. I love being a stay at home mum. It is easier too if you fill your time with "very important" tasks (like dusting and rearranging...it helps being pregnant again to get extreme motivation!) between the play with stacking blocks and endless reading of Upsy Daisy in the Night Garden (that book has been hidden for now...). I am so thankful for my new camera and a little disappointed I didn't have it earlier when Isabelle was tiny, because these small moments will be priceless to me one day. Anyway, get used to the Isabelle updates for a while since she really is the most fun to photograph and I feel compelled to do it everyday anyway...
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